Why Science is the Most Interesting Subject

Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Science, Tuition
"In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not."— Albert Einstein By Mr Kwok In Science, one of our favourite quotes is shown above. We always stress to our students that there are gaps between textbook knowledge and real life applications so it pays to get hands-on to have a firm grasp of the subject matter. Therein lies the reason why Science is the most interesting subject - hands-on work in Science engages the learner like no other subject can. How often do you get to apply the theories you learned at so many different levels - visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, olfactory and even taste (if you are working on Food Science)? Establishing these many connections among various centres in the brain can only enhance long term…
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Project Solar House: Experiential Learning for Our Science Students

Project Solar House: Experiential Learning for Our Science Students

Physics, Science, Tuition
Despite COVID-19 stealing the limelight in our daily news, climate change is still very much alive in the world's consciousness. Being a strong contributor to the mitigation of climate change, Solar Power is all the rage as society moves towards greener energy sources. As we make a global shift away from carbon based energy sources (read Combustion), solar power is the next natural step as it is cleaner and renewable. Solar panels used to be reserved for those with deep pockets but now we see them everywhere, from the apartment rooftop to the cell phone charger. In our Science lessons, we introduce to our students how solar energy works and get them to work on an individual project to construct a miniature solar house that harnesses solar energy to light…
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