Primary 6 PSLE Math Preparatory Course

Hoilday Primary 6 PSLE Math 3-day Preparatory Course. Prepare and revise for Math for Primary 5 & 6 & PSLE.

This holiday programme is suitable for students already in or going into Primary School Levels 5-6.

Call or WhatsApp us at 8768 6497 or Email us at to register.

Like our regular tuition classes, this Preparatory Course has no more than 6 students.

On the Road to PSLE

Primary 5 and 6 are crucial years as they pave the way to PSLE which is the culmination of primary school education.

If the student has not been doing well for the past year, make use of this holiday to cover his gaps in Math so that he can start the new academic year with confidence.

Even if his results have been satisfactory, this course can serve as a platform to revise his Math and prepare for the new academic year.

Learning more than just Math

We integrate the following metacognitive skills into the relevant math topics.

  • Apply heuristics in solving word problems
  • Use answer checking techniques
  • Analyse question requirements
  • View a problem from different perspectives
  • Generate concept maps to summarise key concepts and categorise typical questions

Learning Methods

  • Using examples to understand and apply concepts
  • Foundational questions to ensure good grasp of fundamentals
  • Challenging questions to expose students to higher order thinking and problem solving skills
Contact us for our fees and latest tuition schedule

Contents covered in this Preparatory Course

  1. Fractions, Percentage, Ratio
    1. Operations with fractions, percentages and ratios
    2. Conversions among the three
    3. Tackling relevant word problems
  2. Area & Perimeter
    1. Triangles
    2. Circles, semi-circles & quadrants
  3. Volume
    1. Cubes & cuboids
    2. Tackling relevant word problems
  4. Shapes & Angles
    1. Angles on line & points
    2. Triangles & their properties
    3. Quadrilaterals & their properties
      1. Square, Rectangle, Trapezium, Parallelogram, Rhombus


  • Dates: 3 days
  • Time: 3 hours each day
  • Venue: iMatter Learning Centre


  • $xxx/student
  • No registration fee, material fee or GST.
  • Your registration is confirmed only upon payment.
Contact us for our fees and latest tuition schedule

We also offer tuition programmes in other Primary School subjects.